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Looking for DISC Accreditation?

You're in the right place & it's 100% Virtual!

  • We Wrote the Manual on DISC
  • 30+ Million People Assessed
  • More Than Just DISC
DISC Accreditation

100% Virtual for Your Convenience!

Our custom-built Zoom studio is equipped with cutting edge technology including multiple camera angles, live switching and interactive tools. Combining this with expert facilitation we have brought the training room experience to you in the comfort of your home or office.

The course was extremely comprehensive and includes fantastic resources. It was practical and supportive. The facilitator is brilliant. Can't wait to put what I've learned into practice. Thank you.
Victoria S.
Arnold Bloch Leibler

DISC Accreditation via the Science of Self™ Accreditation


DISC accreditation is attained through the Science of Self™ accreditation, a two-day program that certifies you in three tools: DISC, Driving Forces, and TTI Emotional Quotient (EQ). Why get accredited in DISC on its own when you can get two additional accreditations for the same price?

We design our accreditation process in this way for a simple reason: it is, by far, the best way to learn DISC. During our 30 years of experience in the assessment industry, we have come to notice that when people are trained in DISC — and only in DISC — they are prone to making a series of common errors and false assumptions. The Science of Self™ process incorporates two complementary models or “sciences” to give talent management professionals a deeper, more complete understanding of human nature. This way, you will be better trained and have access to a more complete toolkit than any other DISC certification on the market.

Get Accredited in 3 Models Including DISC!

More models puts more tools in your toolkit which means you are better equipped to tackle more organisational challenges.



DISC (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Compliance) is a 4-factor model that examines observable human behaviour. In other words, DISC looks at how people tend to act and communicate. The four fundamental aspects of behaviour described by the DISC model are involved in every aspect of life and are therefore essential to our understanding of how people prefer to operate in the workplace.

DISC is one of the worlds most popular assessment tools and is a sought after accreditation by talent management/development professionals. DISC provides a great starting point to develop greater self-awareness, personal effectiveness, and interpersonal effectiveness.

Driving Forces

Driving Forces

Values are arguably the most important and most overlooked element of personality. Very few people can articulate their own values or are aware that all values can be traced back to half a dozen primary "Drivers." The Driving Forces model is backed by more than 25 years of research, uncovering 12 driving forces that drive human behaviour.

The Driving Forces assessment provides an additional layer of insight to the DISC profile, helping you to understand why one "D style" person can be quite different from the next — something "DISC only" practitioners simply cannot offer!

Emotional Quotient

Emotional Quotient

Highly developed emotional intelligence is one of the most sought after skills in business. The Science of Self Accreditation will equip you with a model of emotional intelligence that is simple and practical. The TTI EQ explores 5 core areas of emotional intelligence: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.

The TTI EQ provides a business-friendly framework to understand, measure, and apply emotional intelligence in the workplace. When coupled with DISC and Driving Forces, the TTI EQ provides a complete toolkit for helping people understand, and be more active in applying, the principles of emotional intelligence.

The true value of the Science of Self™ accreditation lies in the fact that you will be equipped with a "multi-science" assessment system. Our specially-designed assessment tools complement and build on one another, giving you the ability to understand talent like no other toolkit.

Earn THREE Internationally Recognised Accreditations

Why earn 1 when you can earn 3 for the same investment of time and money?

DISC Certified

DISC Accreditation

TTI Success Insights DISC Certified

12 Driving Forces Certified

Driving Forces Accreditation

TTI Success Insights Driving Forces Certified

Emotional Quotient™ Certified

EQ Accreditation

TTI Success Insights Emotional Quotient™ Certified

Access 6 Different Assessment Tools

More tools means more solutions!

DISC Profile

DISC Profile

A comprehensive personalised report exploring the four core DISC behavioural styles or HOW we behave and communicate.

Driving Forces

12 Driving Forces

A comprehensive personalised report exploring the 12 Driving Forces or WHY we move into action.

Emotional Quotient

TTI Emotional Quotient

A comprehensive personalised report exploring the 5 core aspects of emotional intelligence or DO we actively apply the principles of emotional intelligence?

Talent Insights

Talent Insights

Multi-science report combining DISC and Driving Forces to provide insight into HOW we behave as well as WHY we move into action.

Behavioural Intelligence

Behavioural Intelligence

Multi-science report combining DISC and TTIEQ to provide insight into HOW we behave as well as DO we actively apply the principles of emotional intelligence?

TriMetrix EQ

TriMetrix EQ

Multi-science report combining DISC, Driving Forces and TTI EQ to provide insight into HOW we behave, WHY we move into action as well as DO we actively apply the principles of emotional intelligence?

More Resources Than Any Other Accreditation

Practical, simple and ready to use!

  • The TriMetrix EQ Manual
  • Complete DISC Facilitator's Notes
  • Complete Driving Forces Facilitator's Notes
  • Complete Emotional Quotient Facilitator's Notes
  • DISC & Driving Forces Activity Belts
  • Your Personalised 60+ Page Profile
  • Facilitation Process Documents
  • 200+ DISC Workbook/Activity Pages
  • 200+ EQ Workbook/Activity Pages
  • 1 Year FREE Access to Facilitators Heaven
  • 200+ Driving Forces Workbook/Activity Pages
  • 1000+ PowerPoint Slides
  • Research and Validation Data
  • Unlimited Ongoing Support

How are DISC, Driving Forces & EQ Used?

This is a suite of complementary tools that provide a total talent management solution. The content of the profiles can support an individual (or team) throughout the entire employee lifecycle. To highlight the multifaceted nature of the tools, we’ve listed the common areas of business application across selection, development and management.

  • Position Benchmarking
  • Communication & Presenting
  • Employee Engagement
  • Recruitment & Selection
  • Coaching & Mentoring
  • Performance Management
  • Sales
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Strategic Planning
  • Induction
  • Personal Relationships
  • Competency Modelling
  • Team Building
  • Leadership & Management
  • Workforce Transition
  • Customer Service
  • Change Management
  • Succession Planning

Outside of business, another area of application for the suite of tools is personal or family relationships and marriage counselling. Truly, the DISC, Driving Forces and Emotional Quotient tools benefit any situation where people want to improve their personal or professional effectiveness.

3 Options to Earn Your Science of Self™ Accreditation

Contact Us for a Quote

Custom Inhouse Program

The in-house program is available for groups who have 5 or more participants.

This option means we can create a custom schedule for your group. We will create a private virtual training and customise the delivery to suit your team's needs and timeframe.

This is well suited to larger internal HR, OD and P&C teams or training, coaching or consulting practices with individuals who want to get accredited together.

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Minimum 5 Participants
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Most Popular Option

Public Virtual Program

The public Science of Self™ accreditation is run as 2 consecutive days of virtual training with some prior online learning.

As the most popular option, this program provides the most opportunity to interact with other facilitators, see how different activities are conducted and get the most from your investment.

These public virtual events are held monthly and you can get started right now with your pre-learning learn modules. See the public course dates below.

$2950 + GST per person

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For Those Already Accredited

Upgrade/Refresh Program

This option is available to those who are already accredited with us, or another DISC provider. It allows you the ability to upskill in the Science of Self and earn the 3 accreditations while recognising some of your prior learning.

In order to qualify for this option, you must be able to produce a certificate from your existing provider to confirm your accreditation.

To discuss the Upgrade/Refresh Program, call us to speak with our friendly team.

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Public Program Dates

Comments from Past Attendees

One of the best workshops I have attended.
Stanwell Corporation
The best training I have been to on DISC.
Very professional approach and resources.
Dep. Education
Training & Employment
Awesome resources.
Excellent value!
Enterprise Coach
Great course!
Super Retail Group
The resources were extensive, helpful and well designed.
Maurice Blackburn
I have been to workshops before and received value but never this much value!
Caccia Consulting
This was like the final piece to the puzzle of all the info I have received in the last 10 years.
Australian Bureau of Statistics

Why TTI Success Insights

TTI Success Insights is one of the largest assessment providers in the world. We have generated more than 30 million reports (and a new one completed every 7.2 seconds), have a global network that extends across 90 countries and thousands of accredited professionals, and are at the forefront of the talent management solutions industry. Having invested millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of hours in research and development over 30 years, our experience and expertise have culminated in a suite of tools that cannot be rivalled. Did you know that TTI Success Insights:

Wrote the Book on DISC

"The Universal Language DISC" is the most comprehensive reference manual available on DISC in the world and was written by TTISIs founder.

Was First to Digitise DISC

The first digitally scored version of the DISC assessment was created in the 1980s by TTISI called "Style Insights."

Use Brain-based Validation

TTISI is one of the only companies in the world to use EEG brain scans to increase the validity of their assessments.

Has Superior Report Algorithms

Our DISC profile has the ability to draw on results from other TTISI assessments (e.g., DISC can combine with the TTI EQ profile to create a more advanced profile called Behavioural Intelligence, producing far superior insight than any other DISC profile on the market.)

Offer Reports in 40+ Languages

This means that people are able to answer the questionnaire in their native language and the profile can be produced in any major language that is used around the world including (but not limited to) English, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, German, Dutch, French, and Spanish.

Are Independently Validated

Anyone can claim to have the most valid DISC assessment in the market. Our DISC profile is actually validated and signed off by an objective third party, which is extremely uncommon in the assessment business. Ask the competition if they use external validation.

Lead the Industry in Position Benchmarking

Our patented position benchmarking process allows you to determine the attributes of the ideal candidate for a particular job and then compare this benchmark against the profiles of job applicants to make better hiring decisions.

Provide Fully Customisable DISC Profiles

Our DISC profiles have the ability to be altered to suit your training or coaching needs. This means that you can add your logo and details to the cover, turn off specific pages, and even change the order of pages.

Use Australian & New Zealand Norms

TTISI believe in having the most robust and scientifically valid assessments in the market. To ensure this quality, our assessments are normed for each local region, including Australia and New Zealand.

Our DISC Accreditation will take you further and deeper than any other

When you earn your DISC Accreditation via the Science of Self™ Accreditation, you will also earn your Driving Forces Accreditation and TTI Emotional Quotient Accreditation. These three internationally-recognised accreditations are provided by the company that has led the assessment industry for over 30 years!

Earn your DISC accreditation with the provider trusted by the world’s biggest brands

Bookings and More Information

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our friendly team.

There are no complicated forms in order to register, just contact our team and we will take care of it all for you, or you can book in using the link below — email us or give us a call 1300 849 665 and we will do the rest.

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